Lovers of author Walter Mosley and who live in Chicago, are going to have a real treat when the Congo Square Theater presents the Chicago premiere of his 2010 stage play, The Fall of Heaven. But there's a lot more…
Well get to the rest in a minute, but first, the play, which has already been performed in Pittsburgh and Cincinatti, deals with a "ne'er-do-well" named Tempest, who is shot and killed by the police. Originally sentenced to hell by St Peter for previous crimes, he gets a second chance to set things straight, and is sent back to earth in another body, guided by the angel Joshua.
As Mosley said about the work (his first written for the stage), his aim was to take "a very pedestrian black male character and put him at the nexus point of these gigantic questions about good and evil and the meaning of life."
The Congo Square Theater production opens on Monday February 25 and will continue though Sunday March 24th..
But aside from the play, the Chicago Public Library and the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events will have Mosley himself, in person, for a series of events, in January.
On Thursday, January 17, starting at 6PM, Mosely will be interviewed by author and TV personality Sylvia Ewing, at the Harold Washington Library in downtown Chicago. Mosely will also sign copies of his books and, of course, the event is free to the public.
Then on Friday, January 18, the Washington Library will host a screening of the film Devil in a Blue Dress, to be followed with a Q and A session with Mosley starting at 7PM.
Finally, on Saturday, January 19, from 5-8PM, there will be a staged reading with Mosely, featurring selections from his newest works.