I voted because my ancestors made sure I had the right. I did not vote because I felt deeply compelled by one candidate. I did not vote because I felt that Hillary Clinton would save us. I voted because as a black American, not voting would have quite literally been a waste of the black lives before me. And now as I look at the state of this country, only one week into Trump's presidency I find myself mourning the democracy I've become so spoiled by.

So here we are. We are only a month into 2017 and it feels like the end of the world. How do we carry on without giving in? Can the rallies of thousands convince a congress and White House of only a few hundred? Humans who although elected, don't fairly and evenly represent those that they have sworn to serve.

I have never had such little faith in government. I have never had such faith in the public. And yet when I balance out the two, I feel scared. For my faith in the population is diluted by the mouth breather.

The Trump supporter.

For as long as America has existed the Trump supporter has too.This is not new. And every conversation that has been happening since his name entered the election speaking about this "new voter" is simply completely ignoring our nation's past.

The last year has shown me without any doubt that white Americans have selective memory when it comes to history.

When greed fuels your humanity you can not expect any form of compassion. Compassion can not walk alongside white privilege, for it would require introspection, and for you to be successful at being greedy you must be successful at only caring about your bank account.

When I think about activism I think about movements that are refusing to accept what the current powers at be have decided as law. Right now I think of activism as breathing. It seems like we must be activists because if we aren't we are not committing to survival.

Millennial white folk gather around the rally cries of minorities so quickly that it should be more glaringly apparent that they have no idea what POC are fighting for and what they're up against.

When trending has bypassed trend, when we are all truly trying to compete with topical content and being relevant, what else could be expected?

It is not enough that you say Black Lives Matter.

In these next months, we must understand who we are up against and what steps are most effective. No time need be wasted on making posters at rallies that pay homage to our favorite movies or make us chuckle. This isn't the time for your tongue in cheek, white girl feminism.

You will not be getting any points for knowing that reference. Especially when it is a reference that only you and you and you would understand.

You also simply can't expect it, when people can't even expect to come to this country — your county and be allowed refugee status.

There is no such thing as silent resistance. Not now. If I can not feel your voice screaming at me from your signs and your blogs and your status updates I must say ado. How much would you put on the line to make sure POC were safe in America?

How much will I put on the line to make sure POC are safe in America?

Ask yourself often. Ask yourself every day. At every rally when you hear a voice and locate the source to be a white "ally" will you do your diligence? Will you silence them to make room for those whose voices have been silenced amongst theirs — in place of theirs for years? Who are you here fighting for?

Who will you commit to saving?