The list of things black people aren't allowed to do without potentially summoning police involvement continues to grow.

CBS reports Corey Lewis was looking after two white children when a woman stopped him in the parking lot of a Georgia Walmart and voiced her concern for the children's safety. Despite the children showing no signs of being in danger, she asked him if the children were alright. When Lewis let her know they were fine, she deemed his reassurance to be false and asked to speak with them herself. When he told her no, she took matters into her hands by calling the police and making sure to follow the trio until they arrived home.

“We then left to go get gas, she moved closer and waited there,” Lewis said.

When police arrived, the officer first questioned both the 10-year-old and the 6-year-old before calling their parents. When the police contacted David Parker and Dana Mango, they were in disbelief. 

“I said, 'Are you saying that because there’s an African American male driving my two white kids that he was stopped and pulled over and questioned?'" Mango told CBS. "He said, 'I’m sorry, ma’am, that’s exactly what I’m saying.'"

The arrangement for Lewis to watch the children had been a plan set in motion for weeks. The son attends Lewis' youth mentor program, Inspired by Lewis, which has a mission to "provide enrichment to socially challenged youth by promoting positive character development, self-awareness and life skills that will cultivate our next generation of innovative leaders." What was meant to be a kind gesture turned into what the parents believe is Lewis being stalked, harassed and questioned by police.

Thankfully, Lewis was able to capture most of the incident via Facebook Live. 

“B-W-B which I guess is the new thing, babysitting while black,” said Parker.

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