The Netflix series Making A Murderer has sent viewers through a range of emotions since it premiered in last month. Filmed over the course of 10 years, the documentary series highlights the life and trials of Steven Avery, a Manitowoc, Wisconsin resident who finds himself in and out of the criminal justice system at both local and state levels. Whether you saw the first episode for free on YouTube or binge-watched all 10 episodes on Netflix, you might have fallen victim to being in a spell-binding trance as you watched the story unravel from scene to scene. But watching the series as a person of color leaves many to raise their eyebrows and shake their heads, as this rings a painfully familiar tune of injustice in the American criminal justice system.
The reactions from viewers of Making A Murderer caused those already well aware of the failures of the criminal justice system to take to social media to vent their frustrations.
"Making a Murderer" would be 50 seasons deep by now if they featured minorities
— Bulletproof Wolf (@Pr0fessor_X_) January 4, 2016
Making a Murderer shows how corrupt the justice system is. It has always been tilted against poor people and minorities
— Marc C (@mcthekid75) January 7, 2016
It’s perplexing to learn that non-POC are oblivious to the issues that people of color face. It warrants the question of whether we are only worth mentioning when we are a trending topic. But names such as Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, and Eric Garner still flood timelines. Maybe it feels better to just ignore them. What a privilege indeed.