A little fun on a relatively slow news Monday… On days like these, to entertain myself, I actually sometimes just start making up news headings (just for my entertainment of course), for the hell of it; specifically, FAKE headings related to black cinema, that I would like to read as REAL news on S&A, or any other film website, on any given day.
For example, on previous slow news day, via the Shadow And Act Twitter and Facebook pages, I came up with a few fake news titles, like: “Tyler Perry Decides To Drop Out Of ALEX CROSS, Returning The Project To Idris Elba; Carl Franklin To Write And Direct“; and another, “Hollywood’s Black Elite Meet And Agree To Combine Resources To Form Multi-Million Production/Distribution Entity With Goal To Fund And Distribute Black Films.“
You catch my drift?
So, have at it! Come up with your fake news titles – whether new film announcements, casting news, dream pairings, births, deaths, adaptation news, box office, quotes of the day, local or international, MPAA ratings, critics, critiques, etc, etc, etc…
Essentially, FAKE headlines you’d love to one day read on this site, as REAL news.
Maybe we can make a game of it, and, at eventually, the most interesting one wins a prize – maybe an Amazon gift-cert or something.
Dig in…!