Becoming an adult needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I envy the people who graduate college, get into a graduate program and then seamlessly move into the career and life of their dreams. Meanwhile, I can’t even figure out what to have for dinner each night. I envy you, I truly do. Adulthood is hard. In order to make up for my misgivings, I try to stay on top of my life by using technology to my advantage.
1. Credit Karma
By now you’ve probably seen the catchy commercials but I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing and monitoring your credit score. Unfortunately, no adult starter kit is complete without proper credit. So before you decide to max out that credit card, take a long hard look at that Chanel Boy Bag (I know, it’s beautiful) or that outrageous game system and really ask yourself if it’s worth the potential years of repair to resolve. I know everything about my score and all the accounts connected to them because of Credit Karma. And the best part is it’s FREE!
2. Navient Loans
Navient is used to help me keep track of and pay off my student loans. I hate this app. It’s a constant reminder that Sallie Mae refused to come take back the degree I haven’t put to use in three years as a return on my loans. Telling her “Jesus paid it all” didn’t do the trick, so now I use the app to keep track of my growing interest and payments.
3. HoursTracker
If you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer or someone who just likes keeping track of their work hours, tasks and compensation, you need this app. HoursTracker allows me to log the work I do when I’m freelancing and the logs can be exported as files if they need to be shared or sent in for payroll necessities.
4. SoCalGas
This app right here is how I knew that there would be no reversal from adulthood. I have a gas bill — A GAS BILL. In all seriousness, finding out if your utility companies have an app is a quick way to check your usage, report concerns and, of course, pay your bill.
5. Mint
Most people already know about this application and website but this is super important for anyone who is desperately seeking financial freedom. The truth is, the only way to get to that freedom is to be a vulture with your income and the money you having going out. Similar to Credit Karma, Mint holds all of your accounts in plain view and then gives you a monthly roundup of how you’re spending your money. You might be a little ashamed to see that you spent more than $100 last month eating out, but until you face these facts you can’t correct your behavior.
6. E*Trade
Although most financial advisors will tell you that pulling money out for stock isn’t always wise when you have lots of debt, I do find it liberating to have a few dollars heading toward a stock portfolio. If it’s offered by your employer, chances are it might be wise not to pass this up! E*Trade allows me to keep an eye on my portfolio as well as buy and sell straight from the app.
7. TurboTax
I’m not going to lie, I was nervous about filing my own taxes this year but after seeing all of those commercials about how easy it is, I decided to give it a try. I filed my taxes on the TurboTax website just so I had more screen space but the app allows me to check the status of my return as it gets processed. You can’t buy that kind of peace of mind and I love feeling like an actual adult by taking this part of my life into my hands.
8. Instacart
I’m still relatively new to this app but it’s such a lifesaver! Instacart allows you to do your grocery shopping online and then have it delivered to your home within an hour! They are connected to tons of stores such as Whole Foods, Costco and Smart & Final. Just pop your zip code into the app and they’ll let you know if they’re in your area!
9. CamScanner
I don’t have a scanner and I don’t have a printer either. This app allows me to take a picture of a document and save it as a “scanned item” to be emailed or sent out as needed. This is a great tool for quick situations.
10. Trulia Rent
Because I don’t own a home and am subject to the apartment game, I use Trulia to help me scout my next abode. The layout is simple and easy to use and I love knowing that I might be a tap away from my next place!
11. Duolingo
This app may seem a little random but nothing scares me more than getting older and not being able to retain information. To help with that I try to play lots of games that help train my brain as well as teach me new things. Duolingo allows you to learn a new language in a fun, interactive way!
Whether it means making sure my calendars all sync or that companies I utilize offer online bill pay, downloading these applications has been like having my own personal assistant and has given me the edge I need to continue semi-successfully navigating adulthood.

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