Well damn… Anchor Bay Films didn’t waste anytime on this, did they? It was less than a week ago that I announced that they had acquired distribution rights to 13, a remake of the 2006 French film of the same name – a minimalist, black and white, atmospheric, tense thriller that I enjoyed, the feature film debut for Géla Babluani, the young French filmmaker of the original, who also wrote and directed this remake.

At the time of my post late last week, there was no word on when and how the film would be released; however, this morning, both questions have been answered, and, not only that, but they’ve already cut a new theatrical trailer for it!

First, it’ll be released on October 28th, which is a Friday, which tells me that it’s getting a theatrical run, although I’m not sure how wide; second, it’ll be rated R (no surprise there); and lastly, the new, and I’ll say better looking trailer, compared to what had been floating around previously, is embedded below.

The American remake stars Sam Riley, 50 Cent, Mickey RourkeJason Statham and Ray Winstone.

Babluani said in a past interview that he changed quite a bit of the story for the remake, because he didn’t want to just reshoot his original in English. Whether the remake is better for it, no one knows so far, because, again, it hasn’t been released yet.

Although, as noted in my last post on this, co-star Mickey Rourke wasn’t shy about his feelings when asked about the film, during an interview earlier this year; the usually unfiltered Mickey Rourke had this to say:

Q: You [and 50 Cent] are in a movie together, right? REPLY: A really bad movie, yeah.

Q: What?! Is it out? REPLY: No, it’s so bad it can’t get out.

Q: Tell me why you made it. REPLY: For the money.

Q: But you think the movie’s bad. REPLY: Terrible.

Q: Why? REPLY: You have to watch it.

Do with that info what you will 😉

Here’s the newly cut Anchor Bay theatrical trailer (I suspect we’ll get a newly designed poster too)