Thirteen-year-old Nevaeh Spillman is reminding the world that football is indeed a unisex sport as the starting quarterback for Maple Park Middle School in North Kansas City, Missouri.
The teen has been playing the sport since she was 4 and has grown to be the leader of the pack. As the only girl on the field, she tends to "surprise" her opponents when she removes her helmet. "I'll take my helmet off afterward to shake hands, and it's, 'Oh, that’s a girl. Their quarterback is a girl,'" said Nevaeh. "They are shocked, but I think they think it's pretty cool a girl plays football."
Her teammates, including Daivion Allen, praise her for her talent. "She does have a good arm," Allen told WQAD 8. "It doesn’t matter whether you are a girl or boy quarterback. It matters what you do on the field."
According to WDAF, Spillman was originally nervous about playing for a school since she had only played for leagues. Now, she's paving the way for other girls who have the same to desire to one day dominate the field.
"Most girls don’t get recognized for playing this kind of sport, so when you hear people talking about you, it makes you feel good," Nevaeh said.
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