On her quest to make history as the first female leader of the free world, Secretary Clinton has encountered a hiccup or two—there was last week’s polling results, which revealed that redoubtable foe, Bernie Sanders, is inching closer in popularity than comfort allows, and that never-relenting bloodthirst for Clinton’s eligibility in this race over an email server. Her team has largely overcome the latter, with surprising assistance from Senator Sanders, who echoed the sentiments of many Americans last fall by claiming that it is a mere distraction. However, talks of Sanders’ potential for an upset in Iowa and New Hampshire remain, which is why Clinton has now decided to bring out the big guns just days before the start of the Iowa Caucus.
Enter Senator Cory Booker. Known for his charisma and wide-spread popularity, Jersey’s golden boy will hit the pavement with Clinton’s campaign to connect with voters on her behalf.
Yes I am, my grandmother ‘s home city. It will be good to be in Iowa again. https://t.co/PiyUFM7oU5
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) January 20, 2016
This recent push follows major announcements by former US Attorney General Eric Holder and CBC Chair G.K. Butterfield that both men have endorsed Clinton’s campaign.
If you’re in Iowa, you can catch Senator Booker’s tour on January 23 and 24 at the following locations:
Saturday, January 23
Organizing Event
When: 11:45 AM
Where: Hillary for Iowa Office, 1851 Madison Avenue, Suite 716, Council Bluffs
Organizing Event
When: 2:30 PM
Where: Hillary for Iowa Office, 401 S Lewis Blvd, Sioux City
Organizing Event
When: 5:45 PM
Where: Hillary for Iowa Office, 33 N 16th Street, Fort Dodge
Organizing Event
When: 8:30 PM
Where: Des Moines – RSVP for Address
Sunday, January 24
Marion Get Out the Caucus Event with Hillary Clinton
When: 12:30 PM (Doors Open: 11:00 AM)
Where: Vernon Middle School, 1350 4th Ave, Marion
Public RSVP Here
Organizing Event
When: 3:30 PM
Where: Hillary for Iowa Office, 208 E. 4th St., Waterloo
He will discuss Hillary’s ability to overcome a Republican contender this fall and her specific plans to end systemic inequality, both economic and otherwise.