I have come to learn that happiness can be a variety of things, not just one. Happiness can be indulging in your favorite ice cream in-between your disciplinary action of dieting. It can be choosing to cater to yourself by having alone time and doing whatever the hell you want in your own private space. My point is, happiness is what you want it to be, and I have made a deliberate decision that I will do whatever makes me happy. 

For me, I'm a pretty impulsive person and I think that it benefits me more than it harms me. So when it comes to my happiness, I impulsively choose to operate in what feels right. I'd like to encourage you to operate in things that make you happy. In return, you may make a positive impact in the lives of others. A little positivity goes a long way, right? Here are a few tips that work for me.  

Recreate Your Space

Photo: Shutterstock

Unfortunately, most everyday people do not have the luxury to jump up and move whenever the space they're in no longer does anything for them, but you'd be amazingly surprised at what a little reorganizing can do. I like to recreate and add to my physical space to help me be more productive, motivated and inspired. Recently, I changed the color scheme in my room to white, gold and a soft gray, which makes me feel safe, clean and calm. In addition, I added a new desk with accent colors of gold, including items with affirming things on them. Because I consider this my workspace, these items are constant reminders of why I started what I started in the first place and to make sure I follow through and finishOften, I take moments to evaluate my life and test my personal progress to make sure I'm moving in the right direction. A new clean space makes it all the easier to focus on what I really want.

Evaluate Your Friend Circle

Photo: Pros in the City

I'd like to think I have the most amazing girlfriends ever, but it was not always like this. First, I had to get to a point personally in order to be ready to receive the friends I have now. In order for my life to be in a happier state, I had to evaluate my inner circle. I asked myself, who is depositing or withdrawing from me?  Don't get me wrong, as friends, we are far from perfect, but it's our constant strive to intentionally grow and become better that makes all the difference. Yeah, we're girls that like to have fun, but we also like to challenge each other. It is important to have people in my life that encourage me to become a better person. Miss me with the drama and catch me with the uplifting and empowering woman-to-woman talk. "Girl, have you invested in that business you're talking about building? Are you still committed to your study schedule for your Masters?" That kind of stuff, ya feel me?

Spice Up Yourself

Photo: Pinterest 

A little color or haircut never hurt anybody! I recently made a chop! I had been rocking my sew-in for a while, and I'll have to admit that it was starting to look a little dusty. So I decided to make magic with scissors, and, voila! It felt so good to switch it up! I think it's so important that we learn to cater to ourselves for the sake of our happiness. A new color of lipstick or nice pair shoes can sometimes bring a temporary sense of happiness that we need. You should buy one thing for yourself each paycheck! You deserve it! 

Take care of yourself first, so that you may help and take care of others. Now, go be happy!