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Barack Obama began his journey to the White House under impossible circumstances. The odds were stacked up against him, but every single time he got on the podium to speak, he swayed the hearts of people his way. He made public speaking look easy. 

However, if you’ve ever stood in front of a crowd to speak, you know that public speaking is no easy feat. That said, there are a few techniques that Barack Obama’s speeches can teach us about speaking in public.

Unlearning a few bad habits is a part of the process, but it is for the better.

1. Be Sincere

Public speaking is about selling an idea to people. When you get on stage, people are going to feed off your energy. If you don't believe in what you are saying, people are going to sense it and latch on to that. Know the “why” behind your idea/product/service and then identify with it.

2. Know Your Crowd

A common mistake novice public speakers make is thinking the crowd is there for the speaker. Nope, the crowd is there for themselves. They feel you have something to say that will improve their lives. So, try to learn what would make people interested in you and how you can serve them. Figure this out and tailor your speech accordingly.

3. Share a Relatable Story

You know why your idea is amazing. You know how people can benefit from this idea. The next step in this chain is to help people see what you see. You have to use your words to paint a picture that people can connect with. When people are emotionally invested, you get their attention. Barack Obama was a master at this. Create a story that will become the anchor point for your speech.

4. Learn to Pause for Effect

Public speaking is not about droning on relentlessly for hours. In your regular conversation with people, you might be the talkative one who can talk a person’s ear off. This doesn’t make you a good public speaker. You have to learn to stop for a few seconds to let your message sink in. Knowing when to pause is equally important.

5. Do Not Follow the Script

Sticking to the script is the number one behavior you need to unlearn as a public speaker. Scripts are there to help you center your thoughts and help you stay on track. But when you get up there, you have to read the crowd as you read out your speech, and no script can prepare you for that. So, train yourself to be flexible. You are not a robot and neither is your crowd.

On a final note, you must be conscious of the atmosphere you create when you speak in public. Barack Obama left people feeling included, like they were a part of something great. Whether it is humor, high praise or hope, inject some into your speech for a lasting impact.

For more tips and resources on improving your communication skills, visit The Art Of Mastery.