
“I have about 90 minutes of Django that hasn’t been seen so the idea is to cut together a four-hour version, but not show it like a four-hour movie.”

Words from Quentin Tarantino, speaking to journalists at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival, where a 20th anniversary celebration of Pulp Fiction, which won the Palme d’Or (the festival’s highest honor) in 1994, is being held.
Since Django Unchained’s release a year-and-a-half ago or so, fans of the filmmaker have been eagerly awaiting to hear what his next project would be. He already has that lineup – the western we all know as The Hateful Eight; the script which Tarantino filed a copyright lawsuit against Gawker for, claiming they helped leak it, and which Samuel L. Jackson may or may not be attached to (among other actors).
Tarantino has been clear that, while it is another western, like Django, it’s not a sequel to that film. Although a new graphic novel based on Django was eventually distributed. Look for it at your local on- or offline bookstore.
I suppose we can now add in a potential Django Unchained miniseries, as the filmmaker hinted at above, adding during the conversation, that, with the 4-hour version he has in mind, he would “cut it up into one-hour chapters like a four-part miniseries and show it on cable television,” because, as he said, “People love those,” adding that “they’d be dying to watch all four episodes in one go,” as in binge-watching, which is seemingly all-the-rage these days.
Note that he didn’t say he would definitely do it, but that he was thinking about it; so it may not happen. But, chances are, if he wanted it to happen, it would. He is Quentin Tarantino after all. And I’m sure The Weinstein Company would back it. 
There was another project he mentioned in late 2012, while doing press for Django Unchained, which would be more interesting to me than a Django revisit, and even The Hateful Eight
He called it Killing Crow, sharing, in interviews at the time, that it would follow black troops in France during World War II, after the D-Day invasion. It was to be part of a trilogy that would include Inglorious Basterds.

I don’t know exactly when I’m going to do it, but there’s something about this that would suggest a trilogy. My original idea for Inglourious Basterds way back when was that this [would be] a huge story that included the [smaller] story that you saw in the film, but also followed a bunch of black troops, and they had been fucked over by the American military and kind of go apeshit. They basically — the way Lt. Aldo Raines (Brad Pitt) and the Basterds are having an “Apache resistance” — [the] black troops go on an Apache warpath and kill a bunch of white soldiers and white officers on a military base and are just making a warpath to Switzerland.”

Now, that I would be interested in seeing! It actually sounds like what some were expecting him to do after Basterds – to essentially make an all-black version of that movie, tackling issues specific to African Americans troops at the time – and not what we got in Django

He had most of the script for Killing Crow already written, he said in late 2012. But whether it’s still something he plans to do is anyone’s guess. 

He has said that he can see the end of his filmmaking career, stating that, now at 51 years old, he doesn’t want to be “an old-man filmmaker.”

“I want to stop at a certain point. Directors don’t get better as they get older. Usually the worst films in their filmography are those last four at the end. I am all about my filmography, and one bad film f—s up three good ones. I don’t want that bad, out-of-touch comedy in my filmography, the movie that makes people think, ‘Oh man, he still thinks it’s 20 years ago.’ When directors get out-of-date, it’s not pretty.”

And given that he releases a new film about every 3 to 4 years on average, he may have another 6 or so films in him, before he calls it quits, and moves onto something else. So maybe Killing Crow could be one of the 6.

Meanwhile, Nate Parker is developing a feature film on Nat Turner’s revolt