
In remembrance of the genocide in Rwanda, the streaming site MUBI is screening the acclaimed documentary My Neighbor, My Killer, by Anne Aghion. The film, shot over the course of a decade, chronicles the process in which courts were run by the community after the tragedy. In these community-run courts, neighbors judged and sentenced one another. 
MUBI has made the film available in over 200 countries around the globe for the next 30 days, and now is your chance to see it!
Here’s more about the film:

Gacaca (Ga-CHA-cha), which literally
means “justice on the grass,” is a form of open air, citizen-based
justice which the Rwandan government put in place in an attempt to deal with
the crimes of the 1994 genocide
, and to allow the nation to move forward. Some two
million Gacaca trials were held in over 10,000 locales across the country.

Filming for over a decade in one remote,
rural community director Anne Aghion charts the impact this experiment in
transitional justice has had on survivors and perpetrators alike. Through their
fear and anger, accusations and defenses, blurry truths, inconsolable sadness,
and hope for life renewed, she captures the emotional journey to coexistence.

Watch the trailer below:

My Neighbor My Killer: Official Trailer from Gacaca Films on Vimeo.