
Scheduled to screen at the New York African Diaspora International Film Festival (ADIFF), which runs from November 29 to December 15, 2013, is a new feature documentary titled RAÇA (RACE), from Brazilian filmmaker Joel Zito Araújo and American Megan Mylan, which tackles racial inequality in Brazil, via the lives of three black Brazilians: Paulo Paim, the only black senator of the republic; Netinho Paula, singer and TV presenter, and Tiny dos Santos, Maroon activist and granddaughter of slaves.

The filmmakers followed these 3 people for a few years – people who they consider are on the frontlines of the country’s race debate/divide – in an effort to bring something unique to the public in terms of cinema that tackles this particular, broad, continuously-discussed subject matter, which has come up occasionally on S&A.

According to the filmmakers, their hope is to encourage discussions on “repairing the historical injustices against blacks, the poor and other minorities in the country.

Recall that Spike Lee is currently working on a feature documentary titled Go Brazil, Go!, which will, reportedly, in part focus on the country’s deep social and racial inequities where Afro Brazilians are concerned; concerns that are rarely addressed especially on film.

So while Spike’s film will most certainly have as a central focus, the country’s advances on the international scene, it will also, as Brazilian news outlet Atarde states, “delve deep into the contradictions of a country that has as a principal feature, the diversity of races.

But it appears that RAÇA will deal with the matter much more directly, personally and intimately than Spike’s film will.

It debuted in theaters in a few Brazilian territories (including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Salvador, Porto Alegre, Novo Hamburgo, Florianopolis and Curitiba) , earlier this year.

The filmmakers also add that the film will be released in the USA eventually, although no specific dates have been given.

In the meantime, those in the New York area will have an opportunity to see it, when it screens at the ADIFF next month. For the festival’s full lineup, visit, where you’ll also find out how to purchase tickets to individual screenings and/or passes.

Here’s a trailer, although it’s not subtitled so you’ll have to rely on the images alone, unless you speak Portuguese (poster underneath):