nullCongrats to Idris Elba (Leadest Actor In A Mini Series Or Movie), Don Cheadle (Lead Actor In A Comedy Series), Giancarlo Esposito (Supporting Actor In A Drama Series), and Luther (Mini Seires Or Movie), for their Primtetime Emmy nominations (specific categories in parentheses), announced just moments ago.

Any notable ommissions from your POV?

Maybe not much of a surprise, Scandal didn't get a single nomination (maybe next year); and as much as folks continue to root for Regina King (for Southland) she was shut out as well (again, not much of a surprise to me).

Anybody else you think should be on this list that isn't. Also, based on the actual list of nominees, who do you think will/should win?

Looking over Curtis' predictions (HERE), he actually wasn't so far off from the actual nominations.

I'm sure there'll be the usual debates on who should have been nominated but wasn't; who was nominated that shouldn't have been; etc.

I also expect to see the usual articles lamenting the lack of diversity on the list of nominees in.

Tune in Sunday, September 23, 7e/4p for the live broadcast of the Primetime Emmys to find out who's going to walk home with trophies this year.

For the full list of nominees, click HERE.