The members of Zeta Phi Beta are standing by their soror and standing up for all survivors of sexual assault following the second Senate Judiciary Kavanaugh hearing.
Tuesday, the 98-year-old sorority posted a press release on its Facebook page reaffirming its support of Anita Hill, the law professor who accused Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual misconduct during his confirmation hearings. It also announced its support of psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford, one of the women accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.
In its statement, the sorority called the second Kavanaugh hearing, during which Ford testified, “reminiscent of what law professor Anita F. Hill, a member of our sisterhood, underwent 27 years ago.”
Hill became an honorary member of the storied sorority in 2017, according to the North Dallas Gazette.
The sorority added, “Professor Hill and Dr. Ford’s efforts to end sexual misconduct, as well as the subsequent treatment of those who reveal these behaviors align with the #MeToo movement, and should be applauded.”
Zeta Phi Beta explained it was taking a public stand in support of both women, and all survivors, because “we can no longer sit silently by and accept the denigration of women in our society.”
At Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit Tuesday, Hill echoed the words of her sorority, according to Deadline.
She, too, saw parallels between Ford’s testimony and her own.
“I was testifying about the character of a person who was being considered for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court,” Hill said.
The professor believed Thomas’ character made him unfit for the court and thinks the same of Kavanaugh. In the nominee’s angry response to Ford’s testimony, Hill said, “I saw a demeanor that I think was inappropriate for a judge.”
As The Washington Post reports, some who knew Kavanaugh during his younger years have begun calling many of the claims he made under oath during his testimony inaccurate. Hill called these allegations yet another reason why Kavanaugh shouldn’t be a justice.
“Anyone who lies in a Senate Judiciary hearing should not be on the Supreme Court,” Hill said.
The members of Zeta Phi Beta agree, and ended their letter, “We support Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and call for a 'NO' vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.”
Now, check these out:
Five Things You Need To Know About The Latest Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh