We are so very close to the end of the year! Regardless of how 2016 went, it's helpful and important to close out your year right so that you are more prepared to live well and intentionally in 2017. Below is a list of tasks for you to do in preparation for the best year of your life yet:

1. Reflect. Grab yourself a notebook, or your phone and a mug of your favorite hot drink and write. Specifically write about how your year went, the highs and the lows, the triumphs and let-downs – release it all through your words. Doing this is not only therapeutic but helps you in setting clear goals for the upcoming year and hopefully helps you realize the progress that you did make in 2016.

2. Celebrate what you've accomplished, no matter how small or how big.

3. Set a theme or mantra for the new year.

4. Create a vision board and place it somewhere you'll be able to see it everyday. It's helpful to have a visual representation of what you want to accomplish and can provide added motivation but the key is to keep it before your eyes.

5. Write down your SMART goals and put them somewhere that you can see it everyday. This will help keep your goals on your mind, and hopefully lead you to take some daily steps towards accomplishing them.

6. De-clutter. This may take a few days or even a few weeks but set aside some time to throw away stuff that you no longer use or wear. Or give away the stuff that's still usable or wearable. If you're having a hard time getting started or getting rid of anything use this info graphic to help you.

7. Delete some phone numbers and email addresses. You know which ones I'm talking about. Just delete them so that you won't be tempted to hit them up and make a decision you will later regret. Instead, save yourself that time for focusing on things that will actually help you progress in life.

8. Buy an agenda book and use it. Or if you're more of a typer, get yourself an app that will help you write down what you have to do. Writing down what you have to do saves you time and helps you stay organized. One of my personal favorite apps is Asana, made for businesses but easily adaptable for anyone to use.

9. Throw away anything that carries with it an unwanted memory. Whether it's your exes sweater or a pair of shoes that remind you of someone you don't want to think about anymore, get rid of it! You don't need to carry that negativity into the new year.

10. Get yourself an accountability buddy. Most people set New Years resolutions or goals. Out of the people who set New Years resolutions or goals, only 8% of those people actually accomplish them. A way to increase your success rate is getting an accountability buddy. Of course, choose wisely, choose someone who really will hold you accountable and set real consequences for yourself. Don't be a part of the 92% of the people who set out resolutions and don't meet them.

11. Get your free credit report at annualcreditreport.com. They offer you the option of pulling all three of your credit reports available, but I'd suggest you only use one and save the other two for another time. But find out what's on there so that you can take steps to improve your finances. Plus it may be added motivation for you to really get your finances together.

12. Return any items that need to be returned to the library, or your friends.

13. Clean up your space(s). Whether it's your home, office or car, bring in the new year without last years mess.

14. Take some time to thank your loved ones, or anyone that contributed to your life in a positive way. Personalized hand-written notes are so rare in today's world of emails and e-cards. But whatever way you do choose to thank that person, make sure it's genuine and personal.

15. Delete any apps on your phone that aided you in procrastinating or in distracting you from what you should have been doing, it will make it easier for you later on.

16. Book yourself a vacation or start planning for one. Having a vacation to look forward to in 2017 can help get you pumped for the new year.

17. Forgive. A hard thing to do, I know. But forgiveness always benefits you waaaay more than the person you're forgiving. Plus why let anyone live in your head rent free? Plus, why let anyone live in your head rent free?

18. Spend some time with your loved ones. Whether it's just one person, your cat, or your crew, take that time off to spend with the people whose company you enjoy.

19. Turn off your notifications. You know they are another big distraction, so get rid of them in order to have a more productive and focused year.

20. Complete some of those smaller tasks that you've putting off all year. You know, booking that doctors appointment, getting the oil changed or cleaning out your pantry.

21. Pay off some of those smaller debts. Some of you out there are getting your holiday or end of year bonuses, put it towards paying off the credit card debt.

22. Make yourself an emergency when I just can't box. Pick a day when you are feeling your absolute best and in a positive state of mind and make your box. Fill this box with whatever helps put you in a good mood, it could be quotes, a playlist, your favorite snacks, a funny meme or a movie. Trust me, there are bound to be some challenging days in the year, because that's just how life is, so why not customize a little pick me up box?

What are some other tasks that you're going to do before 2016 is over? Let us know in the comments section below.

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