Bette Midler really did it with this one. Whew, chile.

How many times are we going to witness the Pumkin Spice Gang use the plight of black people for their marketing endeavors? As a woman, believe me, I very well support our rights. But as a woman of color, I will not support the attempts of white women using us in an attempt to gain awareness toward feminism.

Recently, Bette tweeted a statement stating that women were the "N" word of the world. No Bette. Just no. I guarantee you that you have never in your life witnessed nor experienced what "N words" go through or have endured. As a matter of fact, keep us out of your mouth. I will bet you money that you would never take our place. This statement and idea alone erases the atrocities commited against people of color. To the feminist movement, particularly the white feminist movement, us sisters would love to be on your side and stand with you. Many of us do. But how many times are you going to use us as a crutch?

Throughout history, do you realize that you have never gone through what any of us have? Do you know what it's really like to be called a name that dates back to when we were being raped, lynched and sold like property? We get skipped over for job interviews due to the sounding of our names. We get labeled as angry and unworthy of love. Even some of our own men have turned on us in favor of you. I know that you do not know what any of that feels like.

I have tried to be very careful in generalizing the feminist movement. I only wish women would understand that we have to do it the right way. We all want our fair share, equal opportunities and the recognition we deserve. We just cannot continue to disrespect others in the process. This includes men, and minorities. We do not want the world to believe that our movement is anti-male. Nor do we want to push away an entire group of people who have our backs. Males invest in us too, and for those who have put away their egotistical, priviliged way of thinking, they are also our worthy comrades.

I support anyone fighting for their rights. As a woman, I want to see us win. Racism, sexism and class elitism is not all the same. The Civil Rights Movement is not equal to the LGBT fight. We have to remember that every movement is it's own. We do not want to undermine or destroy it by participating in any form of appropriation that can be damaging to our causes. White feminism is starting to become a growing threat to black women and people of color in general. So please, for a moment, decolonize your thinking.