Finally, The Rock has come back to the WWE! And he’s back with a purpose. He’s an antagonist, a heel. It’s one of the earlier iterations of his on-screen character that made him a star. He’s currently thriving on the WWE’s road to Wrestlemania XL. But what circumstances have made this possible? I happen to think that the reasoning is two-fold, and I’m just glad this is even a thing.
Back in January, Dwyane Johnson was appointed to the board of directors of TKO Holdings — the parent organization under which the WWE and UFC are housed. As part of said deal, it’s reported that Johnson has garnered upward of $30 million in WWE stock. And this was fortuitous because January marks the month of one of WWE’s flagship events, the Royal Rumble. In the Royal Rumble, you learn who will mainevent the company’s biggest show of the year, Wrestlemania. So, why does this matter? It matters because January also begins the WWE’s busiest season.
Wrestlemania is an event that appeals to way more than your typical die-hard pro wrestling fan. It’s now synonymous with pop culture. Stadiums fill with over 70 thousand fans every year to attend this event. The name of the event sells itself before anyone even knows which matches they’ll see. With 40 years of history and emanating from Philadelphia, this year’s edition promises to be one of the most memorable ever. And if you’re someone who is a household name as a wrestler and actor, you might believe that you could bring a ton of value to the show.

So, in walks The Rock, who for the first time in 21 years is playing up a heel persona on screen. For the record, it’s welcomed. I’ve been waiting for this moment again since 2003. The Rock has positioned himself to be a part of the main events of Wrestlemania’s two-night extravaganza. With the cache he brings from Hollywood, The Rock is sure to bring many more eyeballs to this year’s big show. Let’s also not forget his shares in the company. This will seem to work out for “The Great One,” as well as fans like myself.
It isn’t often in the pro wrestling business where the company’s vision fiscally, and the creative plans for the fans are Sympatico. The Rock is no longer playing up the real-life persona of him being a box-office movie star. For the first time in a long while, he feels like a pro wrestler again. He’s making weekly appearances, he’s berating the audience in each city. He is getting “heat” as it’s called in the business. And that only raises interest and intrigue in him eventually getting his comeuppance.
When it’s all said and done, we’ll be left with a Wrestlemania event that the masses will tune in for. The Rock will wrestle his first official match in over a decade. With his star power, he will certainly add light to all others involved on the card. Again, it’s a win-win for him. But it’ll be a big win for the WWE, and its fans. This Wrestlemania marks its 40th edition. Trying to outdo each one surely has had its challenges, and I’ve seen them all. But the fans are as engaged as they’ve ever been. And I truly believe that with The Rock’s addition to what we’re watching on WWE TV, this could be one of the best Wrestlemanias of all time. As I watch all of this unfold whilst cruising into April 6, I smell what The Rock is cooking.