Brandy Norwood, Ella Joyce and Jerry Stiller (yes, Ben Stiller’s dad) have all joined the growing cast of Tyler Perry’s The Marriage Counselor, which already stars Jurnee Smollett, Lance Gross, Kim Kardashian, Vanessa Williams and Robbie Jones.

As already announced, Smollett will star as said marriage counselor “Judith.” Gross will play her husband; Jones will play “smooth talking client” who has an affair with Smollett; Williams will play the owner of the firm where Smollett practices; Brandy will play Gross’ co-worker; and Kardashian will play Smollett’s friend and co-worker.

Synopsis again reads:

The film tells the story of Judith, an Ivy League-educated relationship expert who makes her living dispensing marital advice, but is so bored with her own marriage that she breaks her professional code and cheats with a smooth talking client only to realize she has made a huge mistake.

Shooting has already begun in Atlanta.
