It isn’t too late for our readers in the UK to catch actor Paterson Joseph (Peep Show, Survivors, Blood and Oil) in his one-man stage show Sancho – An Act of Remembrance, this weekend at the Oxford Playhouse’s Burton Taylor Studio. Joseph’s show tells the life story of Charles Ignatius Sancho.

Sancho was “born on a slave ship in 1729, later becoming the fellow actor and friend of David Garrick and the first black person of African origin to vote in Britain. The life of Charles Ignatius Sancho was full of surprising, moving and funny twists. As Thomas Gainsborough paints his famous portrait, we are given an insight into the forgotten but true story of an African man who dared to act, write, sing, dance and voice his political opinion with wit and charm.”

This sounds like something I would definitely check out, if given the chance. I hope people turn out and support Paterson Joseph in his effort to educate the masses about this long-forgotten figure in black history. Click HERE for additional details.