
It's been a very long time since I last saw Chris Rock's This Is Spinal Tap-esque satire of gangsta rap music.

Partly scripted by Nelson George, the film's blend of insight and gags, kept me watching, although the critics were split on it. It's something worth revisiting here on S&A in a separate post; especially as Rock claims to be working on a sequel.

In a recent interview below with Sway, while Chris was doing the press tour thing for 2 Days In New York, Rock revealed that he and Nelson George have been discussing what a CB4 sequel might look like.

"There may be a new CB4… we're kicking around some ideas, yes… me and Nelson have been talking about CB4…"

And when Sway asked for further clarification, he added:

When we made it, we never dreamed that rappers would be old… I know a bunch of senior rappers… so I think I might want to do something from that perspective… to be like a grown man rapper… so trying to figure out ways to do CB4.

Chris also said that he's probably going to be directing something before the end of the year, although he didn't say what that would/could be. We know he's been working on another documentary, this time tackling "Credit," so that may be it; or it could be something else.

The first CB4 didn't do huge box office (grossing almost $18 million). But it eventually developed a cult following.

So how would you all feel about taking another trip with an aged MC Gusto, Stab Master Arson, and Dead Mike in CB4 II?

Watch Chris' interview with Sway below: