Christmas jokes are in full swing, and so are the many riddles. Whether you’re a pro at making your loved ones think or simply enjoy scouring the internet for pre-written puzzles to confuse the group chat, riddles are a fun way to engage your family this holiday season. Riddles can become even more entertaining if used during the Christmas party.

Make a Game Out of It

Imagine using these brain-teasers as a drinking game. Anyone who incorrectly solves the puzzle must take a shot or sip of their alcoholic beverage. Things can get even more interesting if those who fail to crack the mystery are then required to complete a dare. No matter how you choose to get everyone in on the fun, here are just a few Christmas riddles that’ll force everyone to think.

I’m made of snow, but I can shine. What am I?  

Answer: A snowman with lights.

I’m a plant that’s kissed under, and I’m hung up tall. What am I?  

Answer: Mistletoe.

I’m seen in December but not in any other month. What am I?  

Answer: The letter “D.”

What has a cheerful laugh and rides in a sleigh but is seen only one day?  

Answer: Santa Claus.

What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?  

Answer: A snowball.

The more you take from me, the larger I get. What am I?  

Answer: A hole in the snow.

Make the Riddles a Bit More Complex as You Go

I come with numerous colors, so lovely and bright. I transform so many homes into beautiful sights. What am I?  

Answer: Christmas lights.

I have branches but no fruit, trunk, or leaves that change color in the fall. What am I?  

Answer: A Christmas tree.

I get sharper the more you utilize me, but you wouldn’t want me clipping your presents. What am I?  

Answer: Scissors.

I’m something that tings and rings, and I’m used by a sleigh to bring gifts. What am I?  

Answer: Jingle bells.

You can contain me in your hands but not toss me. What am I?  

Answer: A snowflake.

What arrives at the end of Christmas Day and is a part of everyone’s dinner?  

Answer: The letter “Y.”

The more I dry, the wetter I get. What am I?  

Answer: A towel 

I’m an old man with a long white beard, but you won’t see me at your holiday cheer. What am I?  

Answer: Father Time.

What do elves use to make their music?  

Answer: Wrapping paper.

When Santa is in the mood to gamble, what game does he play?  

Answer: “Poke-her” face (or poker).

I’m red, white, and occasionally green. You hang me up, but I’m not supposed to be immediately seen. What am I?  

 Answer: Christmas stockings 

The more you give me away, the more I multiply. What am I?  

Answer: Christmas cheer.

What has feet but doesn’t walk and hangs in your living room every Christmas?  

Answer: A Christmas stocking.

I don’t own lungs or a voice, but I live by being sung. What am I?  

Answer: A Christmas carol.

I’m always running during the holidays, but I never move. What am I?  

Answer: A clock.

I disguise myself in plain sight during the holidays, and I’m often misbehaving. Who am I?  

Answer: The Elf on the Shelf.

Though I am not living, I grow. Though I don’t breathe, I need air. What am I?  

Answer: A fire

I have no voice, but I talk to you; I tell no lies, but I inspire joy. What am I?  

Answer: A Christmas card.

I proceed without legs, I push without hands, and I’m usually used in winter sports. What am I?  

Answer: A sled.

I’m part of every Christmas, and I’m present in gifts, yet I’m never opened. What am I?  

Answer: Wrapping paper.

I’m a sign of winter’s beauty, but I melt in the sun. What am I?  

Answer: Sleet.

I’m a circle that goes round and round, yet I’m flat on the ground. I’m often dressed up beautifully for the holidays. What am I?  

Answer: A wreath.

I’m a gift that can’t be encased in wrapping paper, but everyone loves to accept me. What am I?  

Answer: Love or kindness.

You can see me in the sky on Christmas Eve or maybe in your holiday dreams, but I’m not the moon or the stars. What am I?  

Answer: Santa’s sleigh.

What bites but doesn’t have any teeth?

Answer: Frost.

Which one of Santa’s reindeer can you see from outer space?

Answer: Comet.