
Oh boy… on the heels of all the chatter about a potential Whitney Houston biopic comes this…

According to the New York Times, the late singer's mother Cissy Houston (herself a Grammy Award-winning gospel singer) met with publishers in New York City this week to discuss her plans for a book on her daughter's life.

It’s going to be the bad, it’s going to be the good," Cissy Houston said to the Times, describing it further as "the real and definitive story of her daughter… There are so many lies out there and I want to dispel all of those lies."

The Times says bidding on the book could easily go into the 7-figures, however, Cissy Houston would use the services of a ghost-writer to pen it.

And by the way, Bebe Winans also has a Whitney-focused book in development, titled The Whitney I Knew, which will center on "Winans’s personal stories and anecdotes that reveal Houston’s warmth, generosity, and humor," the publisher said in a statement. That book will be out in July. 

Obvious guy's next question will be, so what studio's going to buy movie rights to either of these books?