April 21, 2016, I received a message that shook my world. Prince was no longer with us on this place called Earth. My mind dove into every nook and cranny attempting to find solace. Prince was gone. Prince was just in Atlanta at The Fox Theatre last week. I had just posted a status on Facebook two days ago saying I hope that one day I would be blessed to be in attendance at one of Prince’s concerts. Prince couldn’t be gone. Somebody’s lying. Prince is pure magic. He could never die.

My mind ran rampant with thoughts to detain me from the harrowing truth: Prince transitioned this morning, April 21, 2016. The night before, my mama and I were deep into our usual soul jams session where I play DJ Jaszy and she’s the artist, impromptu hype man, and crazed fan all wrapped into one. Prince was the headline artist for this particular soul jams session, as he is many other nights. However, last night was a bit different. We were not jumping about. We sat and listened with keen ears as “Purple Rain” filled the room and engulfed our beings. I always refer to “Purple Rain” as the theme song of my soul and every time the guitar solo begins around the 3:46 mark, my soul weeps. This song has calmed me on many nights when my world’s storms rage. I entered the world of the song and immersed myself in the soul-soothing lyrics and melody.  For eight minutes of pure magic, I was able to abandon conventions, lose myself, and then explore my Self—my true Self, my creative Self, my spiritual Self. I catch glimpses of freedom each and every time. And that night was no different.

My mama and I marveled at Prince’s passion and mastery of his art like it was our first encounter with his awe-inspiring and soulfully dope discography. Prince’s art has traveled along with me on my journey for twenty-five years and over thirty years for my mama. His music became an integral part of my being—it sparked my creativity on many-a-nights and introduced me to inspiration. We celebrated him that night. His music saved us and created a space for us to explore and love ourselves with no inhibitions and conventional rules.  

Lyrics to “Adore” and “Diamonds & Pearls” are inked in my dream journal to remind me of nights when Prince’s passion and creativity incited my own. I have listened to both songs infinite times but last week, it triggered something—a yearning.  Something is missing in this world that needs to be filled. People need to feel again. Everyone has become numb and complacent to negativity, inter- and intrapersonal turmoil. You may wonder, what does that have to do with Prince and his art? My answer—everything. It has everything to do with it.  Prince is a musical and creative genius because his art transformed worlds by creating a new one, a free and all-loving world and all he asked is that you believe. Believe in the funk, the groove, the R&B, the Rock n Roll, the power of music, autonomy, passion, art, spirit, and love. On my second run of “Diamonds & Pearls,” six words resonated and deemed akin to my soul: “Love must be the master plan.”

Those lyrics reminded me of love. That is the missing peace in the world and the root of my yearning.  Those soul-stirring lyrics recognizing and celebrating love have inspired me to write a book to remind my people of the beauty and power in loving each other and ourselves. Love must be the master plan in order to transform our worlds—inner and outer. 

Black Love always have and will matter—in music, through storytelling, and for those who are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. 

Thank you, Prince. You truly are magic.