
Looks like I may have to interview Don Cheadle like I did Halle
, when it was rumored that she was coming back as Storm in X Men: Days of Future Past (HERE).

But it’s being reported that War Machine, who was played by Don
 in Iron Man 2 and 3, will be in the next Avengers film entitled The Avengers: Age
of Ultron
, to be directed by Joss
, and which will be released in 2015.

Of course what War Machine’s involvement with the film
will be is not known, whether it’ll be just a cameo or a more extended supporting role, and Whedon is being
all very hush-hush in regards to the plot of the movie, except that the new film will
include new characters Ultron (James
), Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), and Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson).

However, one film industry reporter has speculated that
War Machine’s role could be quite significant since Tony Stark did, in effect, retire at the end of Iron Man 3, and The
Avengers would need a replacement, and War Machine is the most likely choice.

However “Stark would create Ultron to be a more
permanent replacement, but that backfires when the AI becomes self-aware, and
possibly takes out Rhodey who it sees as an immediate threat. Tony is forced to
suit up again to help fight the threat he created, with the added personal
stakes of Ultron hurting his friend.

Now will some one just explain in plain simple English
what the hell that means?