It won’t give you the ability to breath fire, but dragon fruit will remind you of some rare and mythical fruit from a fairytale about a goddess who outwits her evil adversary. It’s also my new favorite superfood because of the cool benefits that its peculiar frame packs.

The blossoming of this lurid creature is a tale of adventure and allure all its own. Jay Ruskey, dragon fruit cultivator and owner of Good Land Organics describes the fruit as a “night-blooming cactus that likes to climb up the stalks of trees, then stick its branches out while being supported by its host. The emergence, from the bud to flower to fruit, is an extremely rapid process, about 40 days.”
Once the flower is pollinated, blooms, base swells and the petals eventually dry up, the fruit appears. It grows until it turns a bright pink or yellow color. Then it’s finally ready to pick.

The taste is like a delicious combination of kiwi, pear and strawberry with a hint of melon. It has a great texture to add to smoothies, cocktails and acai bowls.
Some health benefits of dragon fruit:
1. Packed with antioxidants: Betalains, Hydroxycinnamates and Flavonoids. These help to protect lipoprotein from becoming oxidized or damaged, promote anti-cancer activity, and are linked to better brain health and a reduced risk of heart disease.
2. It’s one of the most phytonutrient-dense fruits around, which helps fight disease.
3. Supports weight loss, the body’s digestive system and anti-aging.
4. One dragon fruit has all the daily fiber you need.
5. Aids in eliminating acne and helps treat sunburned skin.
What’s your favorite superfood? Let us know in the comments below!