“The Defiant Ones” is a four-part documentary event that will debut on HBO in 2017, it was announced today by Casey Bloys, president, HBO Programming. Directed by Allen Hughes, and set amid many of the defining events of the past four decades, “The Defiant Ones” tells the stories of Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, and their improbable partnership and surprising leading roles in a series of transformative events in contemporary culture.
Promising a revealing, compelling and often-gritty story that takes place in recording studios, in humble homes and massive mansions, in criminal courts and in the highest corridors of corporate power, the miniseries promises to be a unique and inspiring tale, unflinchingly told with the help of many of the most notable artists and figures of our time, reflecting Hughes’ unfettered access to Iovine, Dre and the remarkable cast of prominent figures who have been a part of their success story.
Allen Hughes filmed Iovine and Dre over a three-year period in making the series. In addition to extensive interviews with Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, who speak frankly about their highs and lows, the show includes interviews with such music icons as Bono, David Geffen, Eminen, Nas, Ice Cube, Gwen Stefani, Jon Landau, Tom Petty, Trent Reznor, Snoop Dogg, Bruce Springsteen and will.i.am. The series also features never-before-seen footage from a multitude of recording and writing sessions with Eazy-E, JJ Fad, Stevie Nicks, N.W.A., Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen and U2, among others.
Director Hughes highlights how decades of defiance and determination helped Iovine and Dre build a few empires, make a series of American Dreams come true and transform two American street kids from different tough neighborhoods into a global force to be reckoned with, here and now.
Described as an epic look at America, “The Defiant Ones” is defined as “daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force.”
“‘The Defiant Ones’ has everything you expect in a great story – drama and humor, tragedy and triumph,” said Bloys. “Allen Hughes takes you on a journey through some of the most important flash points of popular culture, and I’m delighted that we can bring this unforgettable saga to our viewers.”
“The Defiant Ones” is a Silverback 5150 Pictures Production in association with Alcon Television Group; executive producers, Allen Hughes, Doug Pray, Andrew Kosove, Broderick Johnson, Laura Lancaster, Jerry Longarzo, Michael Lombardo and Gene Kirkwood; written by Allen Hughes, Lasse Jarvi, Doug Pray; edited by Lasse Jarvi, Doug Pray; music composed by Atticus Ross, Leopold Ross, Claudia Sarne; producer, Steven Williams; directed by Allen Hughes.
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