nullThe City of Atlanta’s Mayor’s Office of Entertainment, RioFilme and the Rio Film Commission have signed a cooperation agreement to promote their respective film and TV industries and contribute to economic development and job creation in their respective cities.

Per the press release, the specific objectives of the agreement are:

– To initiate and ultimately create an international network designed to share ideas and best practices on domestic and international film production and promotion;
– To promote the respective areas as filming locations to media companies already established in Atlanta or Rio de Janeiro and interested in multi-locations projects. Such an effort can be accomplished by providing guidelines on how best to produce film and audiovisual projects in both Atlanta and Rio de Janeiro;
– To promote the respective areas to companies already established in Atlanta or Rio de Janeiro who wish to expand internationally to South America or the United States; 
– To jointly prospect for companies in emerging countries which are seeking to expand internationally, with a view to selling them both destinations: the City of Atlanta as a primary North American base and Rio de Janeiro as a primary South American base.

The signing ceremony was held at the Rio International Film Festival on September 30th, 2014 as part of the traditional American Day program in the market section of the festival.