nullFinally – a move in the right direction for premium cable, I believe; especially for those of us who have long avoided paying for full cable TV service when one only watches a handful of channels. It’s not quite the à la carte service I’ve been pushing on this blog, but, as I said, it’s a step in the right direction.

Speaking at Time Warner investor day meeting this morning, CEO of HBO, Richard Plepler, announced that the premium pay-TV channel will be launching a stand-alone, online streaming version of its service next year, 2015.

The new service will be primarily targeted at those of you who don’t currently have a cable or satellite-TV subscription.

“That is a large and growing opportunity that should no longer be left untapped,” Mr. Plepler said.

Indeed, indeed sir!

One can only assume that the success that streaming sites like Netflix has had, and continues to have, influenced this decision by HBO.

But maybe we shouldn’t get too excited yet, until we get the full details on this stand-alone service – notably what exactly it will include in terms of content, as well as how much it will cost. I’d guess that it would have to be somewhat competitive when compared to what Netflix’s streaming service costs; as well as Amazon’s Prime – around $10 a month.

So now we wait anxiously for further details on this. And I’ll especially be looking to see whether other cable TV channels – the premiums notably, will follow.