*Major spoilers below* 

UPDATE: HBO has decided to lean in to the mistake and make fun of it. According to TV Line, the network said in a statement, “In response to inquiries from those who saw a craft services coffee cup in Sunday night’s episode of Game of Thrones, HBO states, ‘The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea.'”

Game of Thrones hurt a lot of fans’ feelings this week with a shocking death and poor character development. But there was another surprise in store for fans—a rogue, modern-day coffee cup. Yes, your eyes were not playing tricks on you.

The takeout coffee cup, which looks like it was from Starbucks, was left on a table during one of the show’s Winterfell scenes. Even worse, the cup was in the same scene as the showrunners, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, who were making two vanity cameos as wildlings.

While anyone can make a mistake on set, this coffee cup could be seen as a physical summation of how poorly Sunday’s episode was received, especially since it used Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) to double down on the terrible trope of killing women of color for white characters’ emotional development and reversed Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) from a confident fighter into a simpering damsel.

Let’s hope that the remaining episodes improve on quality.


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Photo: HBO