

Good Pitch is a BRITDOC project in partnership with Ford Foundation and the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program. BRITDOC is a nonprofit film foundation supported by Bertha Foundation, the Ford Foundation and more than 50 organisations and individuals globally.

Good Pitch brings together documentary filmmakers with foundations, NGOs, campaigners, philanthropists, policymakers, brands and media around leading social and environmental issues – to forge coalitions and campaigns that are good for all these partners, good for the films and good for society. Over a year, the selected filmmaking teams receive sustained mentorship and professional development. This includes two campaign development workshops, taking place right after project selection and again on the eve of the live event.

Good Pitch has announced a special edition that will take place in Miami, FL, in 2016, and that will select seven documentary film projects connected to Latin America and the Caribbean to pitch in a Miami forum designed to boost their social justice impact, thanks to a collaboration between BRITDOC, the John. S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and Fusion Media Group (FMG) — a division of Univision Communications Inc, the leading media company serving Hispanic America.

Good Pitch Miami will seek to elevate films that have the potential to ignite local, national and international social justice campaigns. All independent documentary filmmakers are welcome to apply; applicants can live in, originate from, or simply care about the issues facing the many cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean and their diasporas.

Call for Entries closes: November 14th, 2016, 11am EST.

If you’re a filmmaker and thinking of applying read this first.