CBS has announced the 12 participants selected for its inaugural Drama Diversity Casting Initiative, chosen from over 10,000 submissions that led to 450 call-backs, and ending with the 12 actors traveling to Los Angeles for a network screen test for CBS’ current series, upcoming pilots and beyond.
The initiative was launched in October of this year as a nationwide program to find new breakout talent for the network. The initiative, which is part of the CBS Diversity Institute, is designed to reach untapped talent across the country, including areas with limited access to industry professionals, and bring them to the attention of casting executives and CBS showrunners.
Beginning Thursday, Oct. 13, through Friday, Oct. 28, actors 18 and older were asked to submit a self-taped monologue via www.CBSDiversity.com. CBS casting executives reviewed all online submissions and made selections for regional callback auditions in Atlanta (Nov. 7-9), Austin (Nov. 3-4), Chicago (Nov. 2-4), Miami (Nov. 10-11) and San Francisco (Nov. 10-11), where the actors rehearsed with casting executives and were put on tape. Following the regional casting sessions, 14-16 actors were selected to travel to Los Angeles for a Network screen test that utilized for casting opportunities for current series, pilot season and beyond.
“The response to this initiative was incredible and we look forward to working with these talented actors from across the country on their respective screen tests. We are hopeful this opportunity will serve as a launching pad for their careers on CBS and within the industry,” said Glenn Geller, President, CBS Entertainment.
The 12 selected participants are Alexa Adderley, Austin, TX; Noel Braham, Marietta, GA; Regina Chen, Houston, TX; Ivan Ellis, Lansing, IL; Anna Enger, Canton, GA; Joe Gallegos, Jr., Albuquerque, NM; Isabella Star LaBlanc, St. Paul, MN; Kiki Layne, Chicago, IL; Eric Lynch, Chicago, IL; Ana Daniela Osorio, Miami, FL; Nican Robinson, Oakland, CA; Dominique Worsley, Chicago, IL.
Congrats to them all!
For more information regarding the CBS Drama Diversity Casting Initiative and to download an application to submit a monologue, go to www.CBSDiversity.com.