Premium TV network EPIX will present a limited Original Documentary Series titled “American Divided,” executive produced by Shonda Rhimes, Common and Norman Lear, featuring narratives around inequality in education, housing, healthcare, labor, criminal justice and the political system – all woven into an eight-part, four-and-half hour series.

“America Divided” premieres this Friday, September 30, 2016 9pm ET/PT, 8C.

EPIX has released 4 clips from the documentary series, giving you a glimpse of what to expect. All 4 are embedded below

“America Divided” follows high-profile correspondents as they explore aspects of inequality related to their own biographies. Common returns to his hometown of Chicago – ground zero for disparities in the criminal justice system. Jesse Williams goes back to the classroom and becomes immersed in the battle to fix inequality in education. Rosario Dawson explores the ongoing causes and legacy of the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Zach Galifianakis investigates the political landscape in his home state of North Carolina and considers how it’s emblematic of the country’s deepening racial and political divide during the 2016 campaign. Amy Poehler witnesses the complex challenges faced by domestic workers who maintain an intimate relationship with the families that employ them, while also struggling for better conditions. America Ferrera travels to Texas to witness battles around access to the ballot and healthcare for poor women. Norman Lear reports on the housing crisis in New York – from people who have no homes, to luxury apartments purposely kept vacant. And Peter Sarsgaard explores the addiction crisis ravaging a heartland beset by unemployment and the shuttering of America’s factories.

“America Divided,” an EPIX Original Documentary series, is executive produced by Solly Granatstein, Lucian Read, Richard Rowley, Norman Lear, Common, Shonda Rhimes, Jon Kamen, Justin Wilkes and Dave O’Connor.


Abby Ellis and Leah Thomas are producers. Mark S. Greenberg, Jocelyn Diaz, Ross Bernard and Jill Burkhart are executive producers for EPIX.

“America Divided” premieres this Friday, September 30, 2016 9pm ET/PT, 8C.

EPIX has released 4 clips from the documentary series, giving you a glimpse of what to expect. All 4 are embedded below.