Last year saw the premiere of the LGBTQ animated webseries “McTucky Fried High” created by Chicago-based filmmaker/illustrator/activist Robert Carnilius, which won the Critics Choice Award at the 2015, Shorts Showcase and which has the goal of “using comedy to tackle issues of gender identity, bullying, sexting and coming out of the closet.”
Carnilius, who is the director and executive producer of the series, says that he felt using animation would be the perfect format to approach the subject matter “because animated characters who are non-human could be funny, yet inviting, and make the perfect platform on which to engage the audience with humor and a quality story.”
But Robert has a more serious goal, and, as he explained, it’s not just teens who he made the series for: “I think a series like this is important not only for visibility of LGBTQ teens, but I also think it could be a fun, light-hearted way for parents and teachers to see issues their teens and students may be facing in order to better understand them, communicate with them and help them rather than forcing them to conform to societal norms.”
Carnilius adds that he uses his own life, creative passions and community involvement as the inspiration for “McTucky” with “hopes of generating an entertaining, insightful and humorous cartoon. The [cast and crew] for the series are also comprised predominantly of LGBTQ people and people of color, going beyond visibility by using personal empowerment to shape and create media that has a personal, political and artistic impact.”
“The overwhelming lack of representation of LGBTQ affirming narratives in media and production by LGBTQ people, especially LGBTQ people of color, perpetuates the harsh realities many LGBTQ youth experience. McTucky Fried High aims to change that. As a web based series, it is free to anyone with internet access and affirms many gender identities, sexualities and struggles youth face.”
And now Carnilius has announced that Season two of “McTucky Fried High” is ready, and is making its premiere today on its You Tube channel.
Check out Episode 7 – the first episode for season two – below: