BET has unveiled the first trailer for The Oval. The White House drama is one of BET’s first two shows from Tyler Perry, stemming from his mega-deal with Viacom.

Perry writes, directs and produces the series, which “revolves around the picture-perfect first couple that, behind closed doors, are anything but. The scripted offering explores lies, cheating and corruption.”

The series stars Ed Quinn, Kron Moore, Javon Johnson, Ptosha Storey, Vaughn Hebron, Teesha Renee, Paige Hurd, Daniel Croix Henderson, Lodric Collins, Ciera Payton, Walter Fauntleroy, Taja V. Simpson, Brad Benedict, Travis Cure and Matthew Law.

Quinn will play Hunter Franklin, the newly elected president of the U.S.; Moore will play first lady Victoria Frankin; Hurd will play the couple’s wild child daughter, Gayle; Henderson will play their troubled teen son, Jason.

“I’ve been hard at work on The Oval and can’t wait to share this story with audiences. I’ve set out to create a show that tells the story of a family placed in the White House by people of power while also highlighting the personal side and everyday lives of the staff who run the inner-workings of the nation’s most iconic residence,” said Perry in a prior statement.

The series, along with Perry’s Sistas, premieres October 23.

Watch the trailer below:



Tyler Perry Drama Series ‘The Oval’ And ‘Sistas’ Get New Premiere Dates At BET


Photo: BET

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