The ABC comedy series Abbott Elementary has seen its fair share of high-profile guests, from Taraji P, Henson to Bradley Cooper. Now, one of the show’s many Emmy nominated actors is revealing who his dream guest would be.

In an interview with People magazine, Tyler James Williams said he’d love to see Grammy winner Solange Knowles make a guest appearance on the show. 

“I would love to see Solange [Knowles] as a cousin. I feel like we look alike,” Williams told the outlet. “It’s like us and then my dad is Orlando [Jones]. Yeah, I think Solange would be great. Just add a family member.”

Williams, who plays beloved first-grade teacher Gregory Eddie on the hit show, is currently nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor In a Comedy Series in the 76th Primetime Emmy Awards.

Overall, Abbott Elementary earned nine Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Lead Actress for Quinta Brunson, Outstanding Writing In A Comedy Series and Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series for Sheryl Lee Ralph and Janelle James.

During the interview, Williams also revealed what he hopes to see take place between his character Gregory and Brunson’s character Janine.

“I would love to see them in love,” he said. “I think they deserve that at this point. I would love to see them just in it. Now we have to have the conflicts… but it would be nice to see them just head over heels for each other.”