Viola Davis stopped by “The Late Show” last night and talked to host Stephen Colbert about a number of things, including her Harriett Tubman project, which is currently in development, as well as a recently announced series that will air on ABC’s re-launched streaming service that will be home to both classic series, as well as new content made specifically for it. To be called ABCd (ABC digital), the service will include “American Koko,” which Viola Davis is producing through her JuVee Productions shingle, which she runs with her husband, Julius Tennon. The project hails from Diarra Kilpatrick, who will star in it as well.
“American Koko” will follow “a satirical agency that solves sticky racial situations,” as the press release describes it.
What exactly will these “sticky racial situations” look and/or sound like? Davis explains to Colbert in the clip below, in which she also talks about her tough older sister Anita, her Harriet Tubman film, and more.