nullLast night, the season premiere of the popular PBS series "Finding Your Roots," hosted by Dr. Henry Lewis Gates, Jr., aired on the network, starting at 8pm. The emotional genealogical exploration, during which Courtney B. Vance, Gloria Reuben and Stephen King, searched for clues about their biological parents, delivered as you’d expect, is now available online for you to watch, courtesy of PBS, if you missed yesterday’s broadcast.

Looking further out, every Tuesday from here-on, a new group of guests will discover their diverse histories, including actresses Angela Bassett and Khandi Alexander, actor Ben Affleck, journalist Anderson Cooper, tennis great Billie Jean King, and rapper Nas to name a few.

Visit to get a sneak-peak of upcoming episodes and to stream last season. Plus, enter to win a copy of the book "Finding Your Roots: The Official Companion to the PBS Series."

Watch the full episode of last night’s season premiere, featuring Courtney B. Vance, Gloria Reuben and Stephen King, below: