In the season finale of The Black TV & Film Collective’s supernatural web-series, Keloid — Keloid (David Nixon) discovers a devastating secret that shocks him to his core. With a tracker on his tail and his past resurfacing to haunt him, Keloid must race against time before his mother Marielle (Aba Woodruff)  goes into hibernation. Desperate to uncover the mysteries of his lineage and the reasons behind his superhuman gifts, Marielle reveals something that will change Keloid’s perspective forever.

Watch the season finale of Keloid exclusively on Shadow and Act, before it goes live to the public on Thursday, Aug. 24. You can also peep our coverage of the series overall here.

If you adore Keloid, which is helmed by The Black TV & Film Collective founder Huriyyah Muhammad be sure to support season two by donating here.