Shadow And Act Black Filmmaker To Watch Julius Onah (his feature film debut, The Girl Is In Trouble, is currently in post-production) was one of the lucky few selected for the next class in the Focus Features Africa First Program – a program we’ve covered quite extensively.

As required by the program, Julius will be producing a short film, titled Big Man, set in contemporary Lagos, Nigeria, where he was born, and he needs our assistance in raising the necessary funds to complete the project.

First, here’s a synopsis for Big Man:

BIG MAN is a little story about two young boys growing up on Victoria Island in Lagos, Nigeria. Owoga is a mischievous, energetic kid always eager to play and Owoko is his sweet little brother who’s just trying to keep up. It’s summer vacation and all they want to do is adventure, just like their hero — Indiana Jones. But when one of Owoga’s games goes to far, both brothers must confront the fact that childhood isn’t always fun and games.

Julius is trying to raise a measly $4,000, with $3,000 already in the can; meaning, he needs to raise just $1,000 to meet his goal, but he has only 11 days left to do it!

So… if you’d like to help a brotha out, visit the project’s indieGogo page HERE, check out the rest of the story, and give if you can.