
In celebration of its 100th anniversary, Paramount has issued this photo with 116 actors, actresses, directors, producers and execs (who are still alive) who have figured, at some time, in the studio's history.

It's a throwback, trying to recreate those official studio publicity photographs MGM would release annually back in the 1940s, during it's golden years, with all the stars the studio had under contact at the time, living up to its motto that "MGM had more stars than there were in heaven."

Back then of course, Lena Horne was the only black star MGM had under contract, so, with this new Paramount photo, the first thing I did was to count how many black people I could find.

It's sort of like Where's Waldo?

O.K There's Eddie of course; there's Chris Rock; there's Paula Patton, and there's John Singleton… OOPS, my mistake, that's Tyrese (Tyrese?? How'd he get in there?). No doubt there are others in there somewhere.

Why don't you play along. Go to this webste HERE to download a much larger jpeg of the above photo and play along. It also provides the names of the people, but do it yourself. No cheating.