I had no idea this was still on. Who’s a fan?
If you are, you probably won’t be too pleased to learn that, after 15 years in syndication, CBS Television Distribution is saying goodnight for good to Judge Joe Brown.
“Judge Joe Brown will not be returning for another season. We would like to thank Joe for 15 great years, as well as executive producer John Terenzio and the entire staff for all their hard work and dedication to the show,” said a spokesperson for CBS Television Distribution in a statement.
Broadcasting Cable is reporting that CBS TV Distribution and Judge Brown couldn’t reach an agreement on what Brown should be paid, which would reportedly have been less than previous seasons.
The programs ratings were in decline, which CBS likely used to justify the pay-cut.
Although Brown isn’t alone, as ratings on all similar courtroom reality shows are down year to year – except for Judge Judy, which is also a CBS Television Distribution program.
Judge Brown and his team are said to have been meeting with other distributors recently, including Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios. But no word on what came of those meetings.
Judge Joe Brown premiered in September 1998, and has been the second-highest rated court show, behind just Judge Judy, since its premiere.
Bye Judge Brown.
Will you miss him?