Mari Copeny, also known as Little Miss Flint, has been on the forefront fighting for clean water and social justice in her hometown of Flint, Michigan. The 10-year-old has dedicated every single day to making sure her town gets what it deserves: access to clean and usable water. Copeny even took on the likes of the president himself, Donald Trump

In her first-ever official political endorsement, Copeny has announced that she's backing Michigan gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed. If El-Sayed is elected, he would become the first Muslim governor in United States history, according to The Guardian

“I never planned on endorsing any candidate,” Mari told Teen Vogue, “But once I met and spoke to Abdul it was clear that his ideas and what he has done for Michigan kids already is exactly what I want in a governor.”

“[If El-Sayed is elected,] we would have someone who has stood with us before, when Flint residents were in Lansing protesting; someone who already has a plan for Flint and for helping out the kids across the state,” noted Copeny, of the 32-year-old candidate. “It would mean that for once we have somebody who is wanting to work for us and not use our lives to try to save money.”

El-Sayed is Detroit's former public health director, and has said the Flint water crisis inspired him to run for governor. The 20 policies of El-Sayed's platform include calls for universal clean water access, climate change action, ending public education profit motive, getting rid of the gender pay gap and legalizing marijuana.

Copeny's outspoken call for clean water in Flint put the city on the map in a way it hadn't been before, which impressed many people given her young age.

“We are in a time when adults are starting to listen to the youth,” said Copeny. “Even though I cannot vote, I bet I can get lots of people that do vote to stop and listen to why I think Abdul is the right person for the job.”

Copeny also appeared in El-Sayed's first TV campaign ad. 

“I have seen what happens when a bad leader has control of a city, and I know that there are literally lives at stake,” said Copeny. “[El-Sayed] is someone who has spent a good deal of time focusing on the kids in Detroit and making their lives better. If people would give him a chance and listen to him, they may actually really like his ideas and support him.”