King’s Faith, currently in production, is directed by Nicholas DiBella and produced by Mark Costello and Marc Wax. The film will star Lynn Whitfield , James McDaniel (NYPD Blue) and Crawford Wilson. The film is set to be released sometime next year.
According to the film’s Facebook page, the plot outline is:
Brendan King is a foster kid who grew up on the wrong side of the law graduating from five-finger discounts and fights on the playground to drug-dealing and gun-running as a member of the multi-racial gang called Avenue D. Arrested in a federal raid when he was fifteen and imprisoned for three years until his parole at eighteen, Brendan has found a relationship with God and with it he has turned his life around. Upon his release, he moves in with a new foster family and starts attending high school in an affluent suburb near the city where he grew up.
Lynn Whitfield will play Vanessa and courtesy of the film’s website, her character “has struggled mightily since the death of her son. She has steadily withdrawn from life – from her work, her friends, her faith. In what she sometimes views as a moment of temporary insanity, she has allowed Mike to talk her into taking in the young man with the troubled past. Now she wonders what she has gotten herself into, can’t imagine why she thought she had something to give to someone else when she can barely sustain herself.”
James McDaniel will play Mike, his character “is a man of faith, salt of the earth, who works in the school where Brendan enrolls. He and his wife Vanessa have lost their only son, Lewis, some years before to a mindless act of violence while Lewis was on duty as a police officer. Mike has convinced Vanessa to take Brendan in as a part of a second chance program for young men caught in the criminal justice system. Mike views it as a second chance for him and Vanessa, too – a second chance to renew their hope in humanity.”
Prior to casting for the film, the crew shot selected scenes from the script with volunteer actors in the main roles.
I have embedded that video, which includes some details of the story by the filmmakers. Take a look: