A Sacramento, California, nurse was fired March 29 after she wrote in a social media post that Stephon Clark deserved to die.

Faith Linthicum is now out of a job for commenting on a Facebook post about the March 18 police-involved shooting of the 22-year-old father of two. Her comments were spotted by activist Christina Arechiga who gave birth at the hospital.

“Yeah, but he was running from the police jumping over fences and breaking in peoples houses… why run??!!! He deserved it for being stupid,” Linthicum wrote in a comment on a Facebook post. 

The nurse worked in labor and delivery at Kaiser Permanente’s Roseville Medical Center prior to her termination.

Arechiga wrote in a Facebook post that Linthicum's comments could translate to racial bias while on the job.

“This woman works in labor and delivery – how can we trust her with our black and brown babies?” Arechiga wrote.

Linthicum also wrote more disparaging comments in other corresponding posts:

“Can we protest the deaths of all the people shot by black people too?”

Linthicum was not immediately fired when the comments were discovered by the hospital, according to The Sacramento Bee. She was placed on administrative leave while an investigation was underway. 

“Kaiser Permanente does not tolerate hate or discrimination… We want to emphasize that the comments expressed by this employee, who is no longer with the organization, do not in any way reflect Kaiser Permanente’s views or actions,” a hospital spokesman said in a statement to the Sacramento Bee.

Linthicum, now, joins a long line of other people losing their jobs for racist comments on social media. When will they learn?

Photo: Giphy