nullHere's the latest update on Soft Focus, the forthcoming drama by Rod Gailes OBC, winner of the 2nd Shadow & Act Filmmaker Challenge. The film is currently in post production, inching steadily toward a release on this site, which will be accompanied by a motion picture soundtrack release as well.

Here's the official synopsis of the film:

"Clean heart, clean mind, clean deed." Marcus is a young man with a choice to make: continue with the curious boyhood obligations imposed by his religiously zealous mother or step into a colorful world of adult choices and consequences. Partnered with his good friend Niecy, he chooses the latter, diving headlong into a night of carnal adventure complete with balloons, birthday cake, and Kunta, another young traveler on the road to self discovery. Can Marcus untie the ritual apron strings of a repressed home life to pursue his own version of manhood? Jehovah only knows.

Find photos from the film below. And to follow the production's progress, visit their site on Tumblr.
