Netflix has a new coming-of-age show on its app, which has attracted quite an audience.  Penelope is a 2024 teenage adventure series produced by Duplass Brothers Productions.  Though not a Netflix original, the show fits right in with others produced by the company, such as Emily In Paris, another self-discovery tale centered around a young woman on a mission. 

In Penelope, viewers get to experience the titular character as she longs for an adventure. Seemingly bored with the typical life of a modern 16-year-old. Cell phones, social media, and partying are not her scene. Nature is what Penelope seems most intrigued by. For this reason, she embarks on a solo trip into the woods. However, viewers soon get the sense that the young girl is running away from something, and the ending appears to let us know what that something is. If you haven’t seen this eight-episode wilderness drama, beware, there are spoilers ahead.

How Did Penelope Get to the Forest?

Viewers are first introduced to Penelope, portrayed by Megan Stott, during a silent dance party that takes place at her summer camp, which is conveniently in a wooded area. As she and the other attendees dance away, Penelope’s attention is quickly turned to a wolf in nearby trees. Though the animal quickly disappears, this appears to be the start of Penelope’s infatuation with exploring what lies deeper in the woods. 

The next day, Penelope sneaks out of her cabin, which she shares with her family and others from her class who are also on the trip. Without alerting anyone, she heads to town but texts her mother to let her know that she will indeed be home in time to prep for the dreaded SAT. We soon learn that is untrue. Instead, Penelope made up her mind to go exploring and purchased $400 worth of equipment, and tells her mother that she needs to get away.

Penelope then turns off her phone location and hops on a freight train, unsure of where she’s headed. After being kicked off the train, her adventure begins at a café, where she meets her first new friend, musician Sam. He offers to let her sleep in his van, and together, they drive to Cascades National Park. Realizing she can’t afford to camp there, Penelope sneaks in, sleeping on the edge of the forest in her sleeping bag on the first night.

What Happened to Penelope in the Forest?

After setting up her campsite, Penelope lit a fire and was encountered by a young bear. The mother bear arrived soon after and began destroying things near Penelope. This forced her to switch her campsite, moving deeper into the woods. She’s forced to learn more about nature, meeting environmentalist Helena along the way. Penelope was moved by her dedication to protecting the trees. Their friendship does not last for the duration of the series, though Penelope moves along with the lessons learned from Helena. 

She then meets Catholic boys James, Barry, and Peter, who retreat to the wild after questioning their faith. Penelope quickly takes a liking to Peter, who spends an entire day with her. Even in their quality time and shared interests, Peter’s time in the forest is only temporary, while Penelope has no timeline on her journey. He leaves early before she wakes but jots down his email address in case she wishes to contact him. Penelope burns the note, though this is something she will eventually regret. Time in the woods pushes forward, but Penelope soon encounters another dangerous animal, and this time, she does not get away.

‘Penelope’ Ending Explained

As Penelope tries to power through winter, her luck seems to run out. In addition to having to work harder for food, she is attacked by a cougar. Her wounds render her unable to tend to herself and in need of medical attention. Still, the determined girl manages to make it to the end of the forest, where she finally collapses from the injuries she sustained. Thankfully, nearby campers got her to a hospital. Penelope woke up to find a hospital social worker named Jen had been assigned to her and was eager to help her back to safety. Despite this near-death experience, Penelope refused to contact her parents and didn’t want them to know her whereabouts. 

Netflix’s Penelope does not provide context regarding her upbringing or home life, but it does appear that her parents were loving, especially considering her mother’s level of panic when she first wandered off. This raises new questions about what Penelope is actually trying to get away from.  After eating and getting new clothes, she left the facility and ventured into the nearby town, encountering yet another new friend, Eugene. In exchange for helping the elderly man chop wood, he offered her a night at his home. While it seems things are looking up for Penelope, she visits a local library to use a computer, now desperate to contact Peter. While trying to remember his email address, she logs into her social media accounts, only to learn the devastating news that her parents had died. This is where Penelope leaves us, with a chilling cliffhanger that has eagerly awaiting season two.