Not long after MomoCon in Atlanta, I was on my way up to Wizard World Philadelphia. The convention was held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center from June 2-5, and the nerd community came out in full force.
This convention was massive. I won’t lie, there was no way to be ready for the amount people that showed up, but I didn’t falter under pressure. And thanks to some real finessing and showing up earlier than everyone else (the press pass helped also), I got into the Captain America: Civil War Q&A.

And it was lit.

The bulk of the panel was Anthony Mackie cracking jokes on Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. But we did get some interesting insights into their dynamic and coworkers, as well as thoughts about Civil War the film as well as the MCU at large. Evans thinks that Vision is the strongest character in the entire Marvel Universe and would win a battle royal between all of the characters without question. Anthony Mackie took a generic, “what tattoo would you get” question and turned into something powerful with his answer – “Muhammad Ali.” All in all, it was an enjoyable time with the three Marvel flagship characters and several hundred screaming fans in the Terrace Ballroom of the convention center in Philly.
The Q&A was hosted by Andy Signore (he did a killer job), the creator of Honest Trailers and He’s a guy whose career I admire in the nerd space, so when I got the chance I had to chop it up with him about his work (and mine) I recorded it. But first, we took a selfie.
And here’s a look at some other cool stuff from the day:

Wizard World Philadelphia is definitely worth the trip if you’re looking to see stars, buy merch and hang out with cool folks who are into comic books, movies and television. If you missed it this year, I’m sorry. But the good news is that the con will be back June 1 -4, 2017.