A Scottish mother is refusing to apologize for dressing her toddler in blackface for Halloween.

Claire Flynn covered her 3-year-old daughter in black paint so she could mimic the sunglasses vendors they saw while on vacation, according to The Daily Record. According to Deutsche Welle, the vendors are often immigrants from West Africa and are known as "Lookie Lookie men."

Flynn posted the picture on her Facebook page and captioned it "Happy Halloween from Benidorm's finest …… lookie lookie."

The picture understandably caused outrage, but Flynn doesn’t care. "I'm not going to apologize for this or delete my post. If people want to be all PC about it, they need to take a look at themselves. It's really not an issue,” she said.

The mother said she decided to dress her daughter in blackface because of how much the child enjoyed interacting with the vendors.

"We were in Magaluf on holiday in September, and Sienna got a toy monkey from the Lookie Lookie men," Flynn said. "She loved them and wanted to go back and see them every day. That's when I had the idea. I'm just a creative person, and that's what Halloween is all about. It's a kid in a costume wearing face paint. People need to get a grip.”

Flynn rebuked people who called her racist and used other people who chose to dress up in offensive costumes as justification for her decision.

"I'm not going to bow down to anyone that has an issue with this. I'm not a racist, and I've not seen anyone calling me a racist, and I'm definitely not one,” she said. "People dress up as Jimmy Saville, and no one calls them a pedophile, and the people who dress up as Hitler don't get called supporters of Nazi propaganda either."

Flynn isn’t worried about losing her job because of the backlash and claimed her boss was fine with the get-up.

“My boss at work is absolutely fine about it. She thinks the complaints are ridiculous. I've worked as a nursery nurse for 10 years, with people of all different races and cultures, so I don't have to defend myself,” she said. "Parents from the nursery have been sharing it online too, and everyone says it's brilliant. No one cared when we went guising round the doors either."

Flynn’s brother, a gold medal-winning boxer named Charlie, also enjoyed the costume and posted a picture of his niece on Twitter, according to the Evening Times.

"Lookie Lookie, happy Halloween. My big sister has excelled herself,” he wrote.

Charlie eventually deleted the tweet following the backlash.

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